29 July 2013

Revision of the Monthly RaDAR Challenge rules (with immediate effect)

The goal of the monthly RaDAR challenge is to encourage development of equipment and operating skills for Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio. This is good preparation for RaDAR contests or emergency scenarios. RaDAR contests typically have time constraints that increase the challenge. Impromptu or scenic outdoor locations are encouraged.

The Challenge score is the sum of contact points during a day local time. Contacts must be made at locations that don't have permanent facilities for amateur radio. Power must be independent of commercial mains. One or more locations can be used in a day. Locations must be 1 km apart for foot travel and 5 km apart for vehicle travel. If you traveled at least 1km to a location on foot a QSO is worth two contact points. Otherwise a QSO is worth 1 contact point. Note, contacts made while in transit count at the next location.
Report locations with grid square, number of QSOs, and contact points at that location. A photo for each location is encouraged.

A daily bonus is 10 points for using a sat for at least one contact, 7 points for a using digital mode for at least one contact, 5 points for a net check in, 3 points for using CW for at least one contact and 5 points for using QRP for at least one QSO (5 watts or less CW and digital and 10 watts for SSB). The bonuses are summed for the day.

A daily score can be turned in at any time. The top ten daily scores will be recognized each month. The best score per person will be used.
Separate recognition is given to the RaDAR operator with the most days of having operated a RaDAR station each month, irrespective of the number of contacts made.

QSOs can be HF/VHF/UHF via simplex except for sat QSOs.

73 from the RaDAR Team.

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