03 February 2014

RaDAR-America Contest April 2014

The Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio (RaDAR)-America Contest is hereby announced for April 2014

Please see all rules for the "Original" RaDAR-Contest HQ here: http://zs6bne.wordpress.com/2013/11/12/radar-contest-rules-2014/

The following exceptions apply for RaDAR-America Contest participants, who want to submit their scores to RaDAR-America:

- score sheets with photos are posted on your website or your preferred blog or on the RaDAR-Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/109283065808971118728

- contesters then send the link to their posted entry to this email address:

radaramericacontest (AT) gmail.com

Here the rules for the RaDAR-America Contest in their entirety:

1. Aim

The RaDAR-America contest is a unique event aimed at promoting the use of Rapidly Deployable Amateur Radio stations. This contest is for all licensed radio amateurs throughout North, Central and South America. A choice is made prior to the contest to participate in one of the defined categories but may be changed at any time during the contest. The points system is so structured as to encourage portable operations especially moveable RaDAR stations.

2. Date and Time

First Saturday of April and first Saturday of November (5 April 2014 and 1 November 2014), starting at  14:00 UTC and ending at 18:00 UTC.

3. Bands and Modes

All amateur bands, besides the WARC bands, are allowed including cross band contacts via amateur radio satellites. Modes – CW, SSB, AM, FM or any digital mode. QSOs via terrestrial repeaters will NOT be allowed.

4. Suggested HF Calling frequencies

See http://zs6bne.wordpress.com/2013/03/06/radar-calling-frequencies/ for the latest international list of frequencies.

Recommended digital modes frequencies – Refer to the SARL Contest Manual, General Rule 15. Please remember to follow all rules for the band plan in your country!

5. Exchange

The RaDAR contest requires more than a minimalistic information exchange. Accurate information exchange is considered more important than a large QSO count.

Call sign, Name, RS(T) Report, QTH and grid locator. Note the grid locator can change as RaDAR operators are allowed to move position at any time.  The grid locator of 6 characters is acceptable but should preferably be accurate to 10 characters for higher position accuracy.

6. Scoring

1 point per QSO.

Individual QSO’s  – per mode, per band, per satellite, per call sign.

8. Categories and multipliers.

The following multipliers are applicable to determine the final score. If category changes were made during the contest then calculate accordingly.

x 1 – RaDAR Fixed station (At home or in another building)

x 2 – RaDAR Field station (Portable – away from home)

x 3 – Moving RaDAR station – Car / motorcycle / bicycle / etc.  – minimum 3 km

x 4 – Moving RaDAR station – On foot – minimum 1 km

Note: Moving RaDAR stations can move at any time but are required to move to the next destination after five contacts have been made from the present location. The move needs to cover the required distance before further contacts are allowed to be made. This requirement tests the ability to rapidly re-deploy your amateur radio field station.

Power multiplier: The power multiplier that applies is determined by the highest power output of any of the transmitters used during the contest at any point in time.

x 6 – 5 Watts or less

x 4 – 6 to 50 Watts

x 2 – 51 watts or greater

9. Bonus points (All categories)

5 Points (The equivalent of five QSO’s) for a minimum of one satellite or any digital modes QSO involving a computer, smartphone or digital modes device. (For clarity-thereafter 1 point per Satellite / Digital modes QSO)

5 Points for the first inter continental DX QSO – 10 Points if that QSO is between two participating RaDAR stations.

10. Log Sheets

The RaDAR-America Contest manager – Marcus NX5MK.

Score sheets with photos are posted on your website or your preferred blog or on the RaDAR-Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/109283065808971118728

Contesters then send the link to their posted entry to this email address:

radaramericacontest (AT) gmail.com

If you are unable to post your entry on a website, please send log and photos to above address and it will be posted on the RaDAR-America webpage for you.

The closing date for logs is 19 April 2014 and 15 November 2014.

See  https://www.dropbox.com/s/hygzv5no1gev0bx/ZS6BNE-RaDAR-GenericContestLog2013.docx for a log sheet specifically designed for the RaDAR contest.

Note: A photo of the station (JPG format) MUST accompany every log entry. A photo is required for each new location that moveable stations move to. These photos are used to promote amateur radio and the RaDAR concept showing where amateur radio can be used to communicate from and in the many different ways.

73 de Marcus NX5MK
Apparare Scientior Paratus Communicare


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